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Pager: A Reliable Solution

Pager: A Reliable Solution

In a world where technology is constantly evolving, the need for fast and efficient communication tools is more important than ever.

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MiniFinder Rex: Der beste GPS-Tracker für Jagdhunde auf dem Markt!

MiniFinder Rex: Der beste GPS-Tracker für Jagdhunde auf dem Markt!

MiniFinder Rex wurde erneut als Testsieger für die beste Hundetracker-Lösung bei der Jagd ausgezeichnet!

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Visit MiniFinder at e-Health+MVTe 2025

Visit MiniFinder at e-Health+MVTe 2025

Discover MiniFinder's new launch at Kistamässan 2025!

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Die Vorteile von GPS-Trackern für den Schutz von Personen entdecken

Die Vorteile von GPS-Trackern für den Schutz von Personen entdecken

Personenschutz und Sicherheit sind heute wichtiger denn je. In einer Welt, in der Gefahren und Risiken allgegenwärtig sind, ist es beruhigend zu wissen, dass innovative Technologien vorhanden sind, um uns zu schützen. Eine solche Technologie ist der GPS-Tracker. 

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Alltransport Optimizes Operations with MiniFinder Fleet Management

Alltransport Optimizes Operations with MiniFinder Fleet Management

MiniFinder's long-standing partnership with Alltransport in Östergötland is not just about transport optimization—it’s a comprehensive collaboration that merges innovation, sustainability, and tailored service to meet future needs. Since its founding in 1937, Alltransport has grown from a local trucking cooperative into a regional group with an annual turnover exceeding 1.1 billion SEK. Their operations include approximately 500 trucks and heavy machinery, delivering a wide range of services: transport, contracting, machinery rentals, industrial cleaning, flushing, and relining.

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Early Signs of Dementia and the Help of Safety Alarms

Early Signs of Dementia and the Help of Safety Alarms

Dementia is a condition that affects brain functions, often presenting through cognitive and behavioral changes.

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Personal Alarms for Lone Workers

Personal Alarms for Lone Workers

In today’s work environment, safety requirements are increasingly rigorous, especially for those who work alone.

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Free Hunting App Simplifying the Hunting Experience

Free Hunting App Simplifying the Hunting Experience

MiniFinder Hunter is a hunting app designed to streamline and improve the hunting experience through a range of unique features.

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What is lone work and why is it a safety issue?

What is lone work and why is it a safety issue?

Workplaces with lone working staff face unique challenges regarding safety and work environment.

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