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Intelligente Medikamentenerinnerung in Ihrer Uhr

Intelligente Medikamentenerinnerung in Ihrer Uhr

Für viele Menschen ist die rechtzeitige Einnahme von Medikamenten entscheidend für eine gute Gesundheit. Das Vergessen einer Dosis kann schwerwiegende Folgen haben, insbesondere für Personen mit chronischen Erkrankungen wie Diabetes, Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Epilepsie, Parkinson, Alzheimer oder Demenz. Eine Uhr mit Medikamentenerinnerung kann eine effektive Lösung sein, um den Nutzern zu helfen, ihren Medikamentenplan einzuhalten.

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MiniFinder Rex: Der beste GPS-Tracker für Jagdhunde auf dem Markt!

MiniFinder Rex: Der beste GPS-Tracker für Jagdhunde auf dem Markt!

MiniFinder Rex wurde erneut als Testsieger für die beste Hundetracker-Lösung bei der Jagd ausgezeichnet!

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MiniFinder Rex Test: By!

MiniFinder Rex Test: By!

Jegeravisen in Norway has conducted a test of the MiniFinder Rex and MiniFinder Hunter and has now published its product review. MiniFinder appreciates being part of this article and wishes to highlight the main points presented by Jegeravisen in their article.

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Test winner 2025: MiniFinder Rex

Test winner 2025: MiniFinder Rex

MiniFinder Rex has once again claimed the victory for the best dog tracker on the market. 

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Rex best in test according to

Rex best in test according to

MiniFinder's lates flagship Rex has received the highest rating according to

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MiniFinder dog tracker praised in a new test

MiniFinder dog tracker praised in a new test

Hundfixarn ranks the MiniFinder GPS for dogs as the most durable tracker of 2022, thanks to its IP67 waterproof rating, which makes it perfect for dogs who love to be in water. In their test of GPS trackers for dogs, they praise the quality and small size of the tracker. 

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The benefits of an Electronic Triplog from MiniFinder

The benefits of an Electronic Triplog from MiniFinder

Before many people spent unnecessary time manually writing driving records, but today there are technologies that make this much smoother and easier. With electronic driving records, anyone can log their driving, whether it is for work or in private. MiniFinder offers a complete and approved electronic driving record, where you as a user can access complete driving data directly in your mobile phone, computer or tablet.

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Best in test 2025: Mobile security alarm from MiniFinder

Best in test 2025: Mobile security alarm from MiniFinder

With the smart security alarm MiniFinder Nano, you can give yourself or a close relative more freedom in the everyday life. Regardless if it is an elderly person or another vulnerable person, Nano's specific designed functions works perfectly. It has several smart functions, for example the possibility to see positions in real time directly in the MiniFinder GO app, where you can also see history and set different types of alarm push notifications.  

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MiniFinder clarifies the difference between Pico and Pico Lite

MiniFinder clarifies the difference between Pico and Pico Lite

MiniFinder Pico and MiniFinder Pico Lite are two smart security alarms in mini format. Both alarms contain modern GPS functionality, they are easy to bring with you and are suitable for several different uses. But what is the difference between the products? 

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