Feb 10, 2020
Forscher aus Finnland haben GPS-Tracker von MiniFinder sowie das Tracking-System MiniFinder GO verwendet, um zu verfolgen, wie sich Abfälle im Fluss fortbewegen. Das Projekt hat außerdem dazu beigetragen, das Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit des Schutzes lokaler Flüsse und der Ostsee zu steigern.
Three researchers from Finland have used a GPS tracker from MiniFinder to investigate how quickly rubbish thrown into the river is moved to the Baltic Sea. They wanted to test whether the transport of garbage in water could be monitored with the help of satellite searchers by placing GPS trackers in plastic containers.
According to the researchers, small plastic packaging such as snack packaging as well as beverage bottles and jars are the most common rubbish that ends up in rivers. Among other things, the project has contributed to increasing awareness of the need to protect local rivers and the Baltic Sea.
Read more about how MiniFinder's GPS tracker contributes to the project.