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Personal safety alarms for healthcare centres

Personal safety alarms for healthcare centres

Our safety alarm MiniFinder Nano is an appreciated security solution during this difficult time that protects our loved ones who live in nursing homes.

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Personal safety alarm for increased security

Personal safety alarm for increased security

Nano Personal Alarm increases the safety of security personnel who carry out many different challenging tasks to make our society a safer place.

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Constant supervision of your motorcycle

Constant supervision of your motorcycle

MiniFinder Zepto GPS tracker gives you a good overview of your motorcycle and minimizes the risk of theft through several smart tracking and alarm functions.

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Protect campervan and caravan from theft with MiniFinder

Protect campervan and caravan from theft with MiniFinder

MiniFinder Zepto GPS tracker offers comprehensive theft protection and gives you a good view of your caravan or motorhome at all hours of the day.

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Innovative security solution for boats

Innovative security solution for boats

MiniFinder Zepto GPS tracker has a unique design and contains several innovative features that make it an excellent anti-theft solution for your boat!

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Track your hunting dog with Atto Pro

Track your hunting dog with Atto Pro

With GPS tracker Atto Pro, hunters can monitor their hunting dogs in a simple and flexible way, and keep them safe during the entire hunting session.

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Keep track of your horse with MiniFinder Atto Pro

Keep track of your horse with MiniFinder Atto Pro

Our new GPS tracker for horses, MiniFinder Atto Pro, offers several smart tracking and alarm functions that are useful for horse owners and riders.

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MiniFinder schützt die Umwelt

MiniFinder schützt die Umwelt

Forscher aus Finnland haben GPS-Tracker von MiniFinder sowie das Tracking-System MiniFinder GO verwendet, um zu verfolgen, wie sich Abfälle im Fluss fortbewegen. Das Projekt hat außerdem dazu beigetragen, das Bewusstsein für die Notwendigkeit des Schutzes lokaler Flüsse und der Ostsee zu steigern.

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MiniFinder Atto: Der GPS-Tracker, der Ihren Hund im Auge behält

MiniFinder Atto: Der GPS-Tracker, der Ihren Hund im Auge behält

Der MiniFinder Atto ist ein kleiner und agiler GPS-Tracker für Tiere. Das Gerät ermöglicht es dem Hund, frei durch Wald und Land zu laufen, während der Besitzer den Bewegungsmustern des Hundes in Echtzeit folgen kann.

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